DreamWorks Birthday – Prize Competition

Terms and Conditions (“T&Cs”)


Entry Mechanics:

By submitting a Photo to the Birthday campaign, you are automatically entered into the Competition. If you don’t wish to enter the Competition, please notify us at [email protected].



“Applicable Month”: September to December inclusive.

“Closing Time”: 23:59 on 21st of each Applicable Month..

“Competition”: DreamWorks Birthday – Competition.

“Delivery Timescale”: Within twenty-one (21) days from the date the Promoter receives a Response (see paragraph 7 below).

“Entry Limit”: Once per Applicable Month only.

“Minimum Age”: 18 years of age.

“Number of Prize Winners”: Two (2) winners selected from all entrants in the Territory in respect of each Applicable Month.

“Photo”: photo of your child.

“Prize”: [1 x R1000 Mall of Africa voucher and 1 x Crayola Spin and Spiral Station].

“Response Deadline”: Seven (7) days after the date of the Prize Notification (see paragraph 7 below).

“Selection Period”: from 00:00 on 22nd to 23:59 on 23rd of each Applicable Month.

“Starting Time”: 00.01 on 1st of each Applicable Month.

“Territory”:  South Africa.

Website”: www.dreamworksbirthday.com


No purchase required. The odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. No tax is payable by the Winner(s). The selection of the Winners will be handled by Promoter.


By entering the Competition on the Website, you acknowledge and agree that you accept and will be bound by the following terms and conditions (“T&Cs”) relating to the Competition.

  1. PROMOTER: The Promoter of the Competition is Universal Pictures Subscription Television Limited trading as NBCUniversal International Networks (“Promoter”), a company registered in England and Wales with company number 05942255 and whose registered address is at 1 Central St. Giles, St. Giles High Street, London WC2H 8NU (“Registered Office”). If you have any questions or concerns in relation to the Competition, you can email the Promoter at [email protected], giving the name of the Competition and details of the question or concern.
  2. ELIGIBILITY: (a) AGE Entrants must be the Minimum Age or over. (b) RESIDENCE Entrants must be legally resident in the Territory. (c) EMPLOYEES The following entities or persons are not eligible to enter the Competition: (i) any employee or agent of the Promoter and their immediate families and household members; (ii) any employee of any entity within the same corporate group as the Promoter; (iii) any person who is, and any employee of any entity which is, involved in any way with the organisation, management, promotion and/or administration of the Competition, including without limitation any persons or entities providing the Prize. (d) INELIGIBLE ENTRIES The Promoter reserves the right in its sole discretion at any time to (i) ask any entrant for proof that they satisfy any and all applicable eligibility requirements; and (ii) disqualify an entrant from the Competition in accordance with paragraph 8 below if, in the reasonable opinion of the Promoter, that entrant has not proved to the Promoter that they satisfy any and all eligibility requirements for the Competition.
  3. DATES: The Competition starts on the Starting Time and closes at the Closing Time. Any entries received before the Starting Time and/or after the Closing Time (whether due to human error on the part of the entrant, technical issues, network congestion and/or for any other reason) will be invalid and will not be entered into the Competition. Proof of sending an entry does not constitute proof of receipt of that entry and the computer of the individual administering the Competition on behalf of the Promoter will be the official timekeeper for all matters relating to the Competition.
  4. ENTRY: (a) GENERAL Entrants must follow the Competition instructions set out on the Website (“Competition Instructions”) to enter. Once an entry is submitted, it cannot be amended in any way. The Promoter will not accept entries which (i) do not comply with the Competition Instructions and/or these T&Cs and/or (ii) entries which, in the reasonable opinion of the Promoter, are illegible, unviewable, indecipherable, inaudible, incomplete, incomprehensible, damaged and/or otherwise defective (whether due to human error on the part of the entrant, technical issues, network congestion and/or for any other reason). (b) MULTIPLE, AUTOMATED AND MACHINE ASSISTED ENTRIES The number of times an entrant may enter the Competition is restricted to the Entry Limit and entrants may not submit more entries than the number specified as the Entry Limit. Any entries made by an entrant in excess of the Entry Limit will be invalid and will not be entered into the Competition. Entrants are not permitted to enter as part of a syndicate or on behalf of any other person or entity. The authorised holder of the email account used to enter the Competition will be deemed to be the Competition entrant. The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify, in accordance with paragraph 8 below, any entries which, in the Promoter’s reasonable opinion, appear to be multiple (in violation of the Entry Limit), bulk, automated, machine assisted, third party, syndicate and/or other group entries. (c) LOST ENTRIES The Promoter has no liability for any entry that is not received by the Promoter (whether due to human error on the part of the entrant, technical issues, network congestion and/or for any other reason). Proof of sending an entry does not constitute proof of receipt of that entry. (d) WEBSITE ACCESS The Promoter does not guarantee continuous, uninterrupted or secure access to the Website and/or the Competition page on the Website and has no liability for any technical issues whatsoever encountered by entrants to the Competition.
  5. SELECTION OF WINNERS: Within the Selection Period, the Promoter will randomly select the winner(s) from the pool of entrants who are eligible to be entered into the Competition (the “Prize Winner”). The pool of entrants will be made up of all entrants who satisfy the eligibility requirements and the other rules, requirements and instructions set out in these T&Cs and the Competition Instructions and have not otherwise been disqualified from the Competition pursuant to these T&Cs. The random selection of the Prize Winners will be made by either (i) a computer process that produces verifiably random results, (ii) by an independent person, (iii) under the supervision of an independent person and/or (iv) in accordance with any other requirements of the laws and regulations applicable to the Competition in the Territory.
  6. PRIZE: (a) GENERAL Each Prize Winner will win the Prize. Each Prize is strictly non-transferable, non-exchangeable and may not be re-sold. No cash or any other alternative is available for any Prize. If any Prize becomes unavailable for any reason, the Promoter reserves the right to substitute it with a prize that the Promoter reasonably deems to be of equivalent value. Prizes do not include and/or cover any costs, taxes, fees, expenses and/or arrangements not expressly specified in the Prize description (“Ancillary Costs”). Each Prize Winner is solely responsible for any and all Ancillary Costs connected with their Prize and the Promoter is not liable to reimburse any Prize Winner for any Ancillary Costs such Prize Winner(s) may incur. The Promoter makes no representation or warranty in relation to any Prize and, to the fullest extent permissible by law, the Promoter will have no liability to the Prize Winners in relation to the Prizes, the Prizes’ fitness for purpose, merchantability or otherwise. The Promoter will have no liability in respect of a Prize if it is lost or stolen following delivery. (b) CHEQUES, VOUCHERS AND GIFT CARDS If the Prize is, or includes, a cheque, voucher, store credit and/or gift card, these will be issued in the name of the Prize Winner only and cannot be issued to any third party. The Promoter will have no liability in respect of such a Prize if a third party refuses to accept a cheque, voucher, store credit and/or gift card because it has been tampered with, defaced, duplicated, damaged in any way and/or because it is no longer valid. The terms and conditions of any third party that issued and/or administers the cheque, voucher, store credit and/or gift card will apply and the Promoter will have no liability in respect of such a Prize if a third party’s terms and conditions result in the Prize Winner being unable to use any element of the Prize or restrict the Prize Winner’s use of the Prize in any way.
  7. PRIZE CONFIRMATION AND ACCEPTANCE: (a) CONFIRMATION Within the Selection Period, Prize Winners will be notified by email that they have won a Prize, such email to be sent to the email address provided by the Prize Winner at the time of entering the Competition (“Prize Notification”). (b) ACCEPTANCE The Promoter must receive a response (“Response”) to the Prize Notification from each Prize Winner by no later than the Response Deadline. The Response must be sent to the Promoter in accordance with the instructions contained in the Prize Notification and must include any information requested by the Promoter in the Prize Notification (including without limitation any information requested by the Promoter to prove that the Prize Winner satisfies the Competition eligibility requirements) and the Prize will not be released to the Prize Winner unless and until all such information has been received by the Promoter. If(i) the Promoter does not receive a Response prior to the Response Deadline, (ii) the Response received by the Promoter does not include all information requested by the Promoter in the Prize Notification and/or (iii) the Promoter is unable to send the Prize Winner a Prize Notification, the Promoter reserves the right to deem the Prize forfeited and may, in its sole discretion, select another winner. Proof of sending a Response does not constitute proof of receipt of the Response. Subject to Promoter receiving a Response prior to the Response Deadline which includes all information requested by the Promoter, the Prize will be delivered to the Prize Winner in accordance with the Delivery Timescale.
  8. DISQUALIFICATION: The Promoter is entitled in its sole discretion at any time to disqualify any entrant and/or any individual entry from the Competition without any liability on the Promoter’s part if (i) that entrant and/or entry fails to comply with these T&Cs and/or the Competition requirements in any way and/or (ii) the Promoter has reasonable grounds to believe that that entrant has acted fraudulently, dishonestly, inappropriately and/or improperly in connection with the Competition. Without limitation, if the Promoter has reasonable grounds to believe that any entry has been generated by a script, software, macro or other automated means then the Promoter will be entitled to disqualify that entry and the relevant entrant in accordance with this paragraph. If a disqualified entrant is a Prize Winner, the Promoter has the right to deem that Prize Winner’s Prize forfeited and, if that Prize Winner’s Prize has already been delivered to the disqualified Prize Winner, the Promoter shall be entitled to recover such Prize at the Prize Winner’s cost.
  9. PUBLICITY: The Prize Winners may be required by the Promoter to participate in publicity in connection with the Competition, their Prize and/or the Promoter and by entering the Competition all entrants agree that if they win the Competition they will, participate in and cooperate with the Promoter in connection with any publicity activity reasonably requested by the Promoter [and agreed by the Prize Winner(s)]. Entrants acknowledge and agree that copyright in any publicity materials in which they and/or their details appear is the property of the Promoter and that the Promoter will be entitled to exploit such publicity materials in any and all media throughout the world in any manner it deems fit.
  10. WINNERS’ DATA: The Promoter may publish in all media and disclose to third parties each Prize Winner’s surname and area of residence, subject to each Prize Winner’s prior approval (“Winners’ Data”).
  11. PERSONAL DATA: All personal information about Competition entrants collected in connection with entering the Competition will only be used in accordance with the Promoter’s privacy policy on the website located athttps://www.nbcuniversal.com/privacy and for the following purposes: (i) to administer the Competition as set out in these T&Cs, (ii) to select the Prize Winners, (iii) to arrange delivery of the Prizes and (iv) for the purposes set out in paragraph 10 above.
  12. CANCELLATION AND AMENDMENT: The Promoter reserves the right to cancel, postpone and/or amend the Competition and/or these T&Cs at any time without prior notice if any unforeseen circumstances or circumstances beyond the Promoter’s reasonable control make it reasonably necessary or prudent to do so.
  13. SEVERABILITY: If any part of these T&Cs is determined to be illegal, void and/or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, then such part shall be severed and deleted, to the extent of such illegality, invalidity or unenforceability, and the remaining parts of these T&Cs shall remain in full force and shall continue to be binding and enforceable to the maximum extent permitted by law.
  14. RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES: These T&Cs do not create any right or benefit enforceable by any person not a party to them.
  15. JURISDICTION: These T&Cs shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and the Promoter and all entrants to the Competition submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.